Are you looking to improve your Arabic or your grades in general? Perhaps you're looking to get a new or better job? Or are you simply seeking more in life?
What if a question could help? My new book 91 Days of Q - questions to help you create the life you desire provides simple, practical questions to help unstick you from places you get stuck and to help you see greater possibilities. All these questions are available for free, online at Or gift yourself a copy of the paperback, eBook pdf or audio version to keep you in the zone no matter where you are? Wishing you a joyous festive season! Mary-Jane *** What if study were fun & easy? What are your points of view about study, including about going to school, college, or university and about learning anything in general? That's it's hard, will take a long time and lots of money? That you're not smart or diligent enough? That you shouldn't rest, sleep, or enjoy yourself because you should be studying? How many vested interests are making study hard for you? Do teachers want you to outshine them? No. Do after school tutoring businesses want you to hire them? Yes. And other students? Do they want you to see your talent? No. Are you willing to consider a different possibility? If so, ask “What if study were easy and fun?” What if you approached study with the energy of an insatiable curiosity about things that inspire you? What if you were excited about learning new ways to expand your natural talents? Would study be more fun, easier, and more rewarding then? *** Like to know more? Visit
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